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How to deal with sadness: 4 Simple Strategies for Mental Wellness

Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Do you feel overwhelmed by a sense of sorrow, hopelessness, and emptiness? If so, you may be struggling with sadness. It is a difficult and complex condition that can have a serious impact on your life. But there is hope. There are things that you can do to help ease the sadness in your life so that you can enjoy yourself and feel more in control. In this article, we’ll explore five simple strategies that can help you to deal with sadness and promote mental well-being. With the right tools and a little effort, you can take back control of your life and start feeling better.

What is Sadness?

Sadness is an emotional pain associated with or characterized by, feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow. Sadness occurs when feelings of sorrow and misery become persistent, last for longer than two weeks, and begin to interfere with daily life and future plans. If you are feeling sad, it may be helpful to think of it as feeling like a heavy dark cloud that you can’t shake off.

The impact of sadness.

The impact of sadness can be huge, affecting every area of a person’s life. It can affect the way that you think, feel, and behave and can increase your risk of other mental issues. If you are experiencing sadness, these feelings may be so strong that you feel like you have no choice but to give up your dreams and hopes for the future, and just “deal with it.” You may feel that there is no way out of the darkness, or that you don’t deserve to feel better. Sadness can be incredibly isolating and debilitating, so much so that it can be difficult to see any way out of it. But there are things that you can do to help ease this situation so that you can enjoy life and feel more in control.

4 ways to deal with sadness.

There are many different strategies that you can use to help ease the feelings of sadness. Here are four of the most effective ways to deal with sadness and promote mental well-being.

  1. Exercise - Regular exercise is the best way to overcome sadness, according to a recent study. Researchers found that it is just as effective as medication in treating sadness. While these findings are promising, it is important to note that not every form of exercise is suitable for everyone. It is important to find something that you enjoy so that it is more likely to become a regular part of your life.

  2. Stop overthinking - Excessive overthinking can trigger and worsen sadness. It is important to identify the sources of what makes you overthink everything and try some basic strategies to reduce it. This may include changing the way that you think and respond to stressful situations, engaging in relaxation techniques, getting enough sleep and rest, and seeking support from others.

  3. Connect with others - It can be very easy to get caught up in your own thoughts and feelings when you are dealing with sadness. One trick to help overcome this is to write a “positive” letter to yourself. Journaling is also a useful way to process your emotions and can help to reduce sad thoughts.

  4. Seeking help - Sometimes, sadness is more than can be overcome with a few positive lifestyle changes. If you have been experiencing this feeling for more than two weeks may benefit from speaking to a mental coach.

How to take action?

There will be times when you are feeling sad and your symptoms get in the way of your daily life. At these times, you need to take action to ease the feeling of sadness and promote mental wellness you can do this by taking five simple steps:

  • Identify your feelings - It can be difficult to spot the early warning signs of sadness. The most common symptoms include feeling low or empty most of the time, having no energy or motivation to do things, sleeping too little or too much, and having changes in your appetite or eating habits such as cravings for unhealthy foods.

  • Identify what triggers your symptoms - Sadness can often be triggered by negative life events such as the loss of a loved one, a breakup, or a financial setback, but it can also be triggered by positive life events such as the birth of a child. It is important to identify what events trigger the symptoms of sadness so that you know what to look out for in the future.

  • Seek help - this is one of the best things you can do for yourself. At “Angel For Me” we count on experienced coaches that are eager to help you. They will listen to you and will take you through a process that will transform your life and the perspective you had of it. Wait no longer for taking action in your life and book a session with us, so you can improve yourself and have a better and happier life.

  • Self-care plan - Once you have gone for help, our coaches will put all your needs together and will create a self-care plan. They will include activities that you know will help to ease your feelings and promote mental wellness, such as getting enough sleep, reducing stress, exercising and connecting with others.

  • Review your self-care plan regularly - Your symptoms are likely to change over time, so it is important to keep regular sessions with your coach and review your self-care plan regularly so that they can make any necessary adjustments.


Sadness is a serious situation that can be difficult to overcome. But, with the right help, tools and a little effort, it's possible to take back control of your life and start feeling better. Learning how to deal with sadness will help you to reduce your symptoms and promote mental well-being. There are many different strategies that can be used to achieve this. It is important to select the ones that work best for you, and then make them a regular part of your life. Book a Coaching session now


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